在unity中使用 face++ SDK

Posted by Gero on December 6, 2017

需求: 在Unity中使用face++人脸检测结果实现比较复杂的例如2d变脸/3d表情追踪等复杂效果

face++ 离线SDK

场景: 复杂AR应用

问题:face++本身的demo都是android的和ios的,需要在unity中做复杂场景时直接使用face++中的 com.facepp.library.OpenglActivity 来做检测的话,需要多做一步工作,就是需要把 android.hardware.Camera 获取的图像装载到 unity 的 texture2d 中,这一步工作比较麻烦(但是理论上这样使用 Texture2D.UpdateExternalTexture(textureid)这样效率更高一些),并且我的应用场景中需要对摄像机有比较复杂的操作。所以需要在 unity 中直接使用face++sdk的 c++接口。


  1. 直接使用 unity webcamtexture 获取摄像机视频流画面
  2. 直接封装 face++sdk .so 中的 c++接口,在 unity 中调用。

参考资料: face++sdk

在实践过程中发现,主要影响效率的是 mg_facepp.Detect 这个接口,所以首先主要封装此接口:

float landmarks_buffer[1890]; // 106 * 15
unsigned char imagebuffer[1024 * 1024 * 5];
void* nativeDetect(void* data, int handle,
    int width, int height, int rotation,
    int imageMode, int landmarksize, int* facecount)
    // LOGE("native detect begin %p %d %d %d %d %d ", data, handle,  width, height, imageMode, landmarksize);
    ApiHandle *h = reinterpret_cast<ApiHandle *>((long)handle);
    h->orientation = rotation;
    MG_FPP_APICONFIG config;
    mg_facepp.GetDetectConfig(h->api, &config);
    if( config.rotation != rotation)
        config.rotation = rotation;
        mg_facepp.SetDetectConfig(h->api, &config);

    if (h->imghandle != nullptr && (h->w != width || h->h != height)) {
        h->imghandle = nullptr;
    //  LOGE("native detect 0");
    if (h->imghandle == nullptr) {
        mg_facepp.CreateImageHandle(width, height, &h->imghandle);
        h->w = width;
        h->h = height;
    // LOGE("native detect 1");
    MG_FPP_IMAGEHANDLE imageHandle = h->imghandle;
    auto datal = width * height;
    if(imageMode == 4)
        datal *= 3;
    else if(imageMode == 3)
        datal *= 4;
    // auto img = new unsigned char[datal];
    // memcpy(img, data, datal);
    memcpy(imagebuffer, data, datal);
    // mg_facepp.SetImageData(imageHandle, img, (MG_IMAGEMODE) imageMode);
    mg_facepp.SetImageData(imageHandle, imagebuffer, (MG_IMAGEMODE) imageMode);
    int faceCount = 0;
    mg_facepp.Detect(h->api, imageHandle, &faceCount);
    //  LOGE("nativeDetect facecout: %d, facecout: %d,", handle, faceCount);
    (*facecount) = faceCount;

    // load face info and get landmarks
    for(int i = 0; i< faceCount; i++)
        mg_facepp.GetLandmark(h->api, i, true, landmarksize, buff);
        for (int j = 0; j < landmarksize; ++j) {
            float point[2];
            point[0] = buff[j].x;
            point[1] = buff[j].y;
            rotate_point_2d(h->w, h->h, point[0], point[1], h->orientation);
            *(landmarks_buffer + landmarksize * i + j * 2) = point[0];
            *(landmarks_buffer + landmarksize * i + j * 2 + 1) = point[1];
    // delete img;
    return (void*)landmarks_buffer;


private static extern System.IntPtr nativeDetect(System.IntPtr          imgdata, int handle, int width, int height, int rotation,
       int imagemode, int landmarksize,  ref int facecount);


 // init without camera
public void initSDK()
    isStartRecorder = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isStartRecorder", false);
    is3DPose = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("is3DPose", false);
    isDebug = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isdebug", false);
    isROIDetect = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("ROIDetect", false);
    is106Points = true;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("is106Points", false);
    isBackCamera = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isBackCamera", false);
    isFaceProperty = false;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isFaceProperty", false);
    isOneFaceTrackig = true;//getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isOneFaceTrackig", false);

    min_face_size = 200;//getIntent().getIntExtra("faceSize", min_face_size);
    detection_interval = 100;//getIntent().getIntExtra("interval", detection_interval);
    resolutionMap = null;//(HashMap<String, Integer>) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("resolution");
    getCurrentActivity();//  set activity from unit(unityplayer) first

    final LicenseManager licenseManager = new LicenseManager(current);

    licenseManager.setExpirationMillis(Facepp.getApiExpirationMillis(current, ConUtil.getFileContent(current, R.raw
    String uuid = ConUtil.getUUIDString(current);
    long apiName = Facepp.getApiName();
    licenseManager.takeLicenseFromNetwork(uuid, Util.API_KEY, Util.API_SECRET, apiName,
            LicenseManager.DURATION_30DAYS, "Landmark", "1", true, new LicenseManager.TakeLicenseCallback()
        public void onSuccess() {
            facepp = new Facepp();
            String errorCode = facepp.init(current, ConUtil.getFileContent(current, R.raw.megviifacepp_0_4_7_model));
            Facepp.FaceppConfig faceppConfig = facepp.getFaceppConfig();
            faceppConfig.interval = 100;
            faceppConfig.minFaceSize = 50;
            faceppConfig.roi_left = 0;
            faceppConfig.roi_top = 0;
            faceppConfig.roi_right = 0;
            faceppConfig.roi_bottom = 0;
            faceppConfig.one_face_tracking = 0;
            faceppConfig.rotation = 270;
            faceppConfig.detectionMode = Facepp.FaceppConfig.DETECTION_MODE_TRACKING_ROBUST;
            inited = true;

        public void onFailed(int i, byte[] bytes) {
            String str = new String(bytes);
            authState = false; Log.e("facepp", "failed to auth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
            Log.e("facepp", str);


// get facepp apihandle com.megvii.facepp.sdk.Facepp
   public long getFaceppHandle()
        return FaceppHandle;
int nativeSetFaceppConfig(int handle, int minFaceSize, int rotation,
                              int interval,
                              int detection_mode,
                              int left, int top,
                              int right, int bottom,
                              int one_face_tracking){
    ApiHandle *h = reinterpret_cast<ApiHandle *>((long)handle);
    if(rotation != -1)
    h->orientation = rotation;
    MG_FPP_APICONFIG config;
    mg_facepp.GetDetectConfig(h->api, &config);
    if(minFaceSize != -1)
    config.min_face_size = minFaceSize;
    if(rotation != -1)
    config.rotation = rotation;
  if(interval != -1)
    config.interval = interval;
  if(detection_mode != -1)
    config.detection_mode = (MG_FPP_DETECTIONMODE) detection_mode;
  if(left != -1 && top != -1 &&right != -1 &&bottom != -1)
    MG_RECTANGLE _roi;
    _roi.left = left;
    _roi.top = top;
    _roi.right = right;
    _roi.bottom = bottom;
    config.roi = _roi;
  if(one_face_tracking != -1)
    config.one_face_tracking = one_face_tracking;
    int retcode = mg_facepp.SetDetectConfig(h->api, &config);
    return retcode;

webcamtexture 纹理转为byte[] 数组

private static extern int nativeSetFaceppConfig (int handle, int minFaceSize, int rotation,
                            int interval,
                            int detection_mode,
                            int left, int top,
                            int right, int bottom,
                            int one_face_tracking);

private float[] nativeDetect(byte[] imagedata, int w, int h, int rotation, FaceImageMode imagemode, ref int facecount)
    Texture2D t;
    facecount = 0;
    GCHandle datah = GCHandle.Alloc (imagedata, GCHandleType.Pinned);

    System.IntPtr markp;
    lock (detectLock) {
        markp = nativeDetect (datah.AddrOfPinnedObject (), apihandle,
            w, h, rotation, (int)imagemode, facelandmarksize, ref facecount);
    if (facecount != 0) {
        var  pointsl = facecount * facelandmarksize * 2 ;
        float[] landmarks = new float[pointsl];
        Marshal.Copy (markp, landmarks, 0, pointsl);
        return landmarks;
    return new float[0];

public DetectData(Color32[] colors, int w, int h, int rotation, FaceImageMode imagemode)
        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;
        this.rotation = rotation;
        var pixels = colors;
        this.imagemode = imagemode;
        var l = w * h;
        if(imagemode == FaceImageMode.RGBA)
            l *= 4;
            data = new byte[l];
            GCHandle handle = default(GCHandle);
                handle = GCHandle.Alloc(colors, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, l);
                if (handle != default(GCHandle))
        else if(imagemode == FaceImageMode.GRAY)
            data = new byte[l];
            Color32 pixel;
            for(int i= 0; i < l; i++)
                pixel = pixels[i];
//					graydata[i] =  (byte)(pixels[i]. * 255);
//				for (int j = 0; j < texture.height; ++j)
//					for (int i = 0; i < texture.width; ++i) {
//						var pixel = pixels[
                data[i] = (byte) ((299 * pixel.r  + 587
                    * pixel.g  + 114 * pixel.b )/1000 );
//					}
        else if(imagemode == FaceImageMode.RGB)
            data = new byte[l * 3];
            Color32 pixel;
            for(int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                pixel = pixels[i];
                data[i*3 ] = pixel.r;
                data[i*3 + 1] = pixel.g;
                data[i*3 + 2] = pixel.b;


其中 Unity Texture2D 转 Byte[]数组这有个需要注意的地方

  1. 效率问题:以上的方法比 EncodingToPNG/EncodingToJPG 效率高,其中直接拷贝内存的方法效率最高。注意获取像素时不要在循环中使用 GetPixel(int,int)
  2. 很多图像处理的接口使用都是 width*height*pixelwidth的 byte[] 数据长度,所以EncodingToPNG/EncodingToJPG压缩后的数据是没法使用的,GetRawTextureData数据可以,但是得是 LoadRawTextureData 或者WWW加载的 Texture 才可以。
